Love Beat

An unconventional, browser-based clock that displays time in the form of a growing and beating heart.
My Role
Project Deliverables
p5.js Clock
Fall 2023 (1 week)
Tools Used
Javascript, Procreate, p5.js
I aimed to create a nontraditional clock that would elevate elements from daily life while incorporating the consistent nature of time. Exploring this concept, I generated three distinct ideas: a journey down a winding path, a beating heart, and blinking eyes.
p5.js Clock
Love Beat
My completed clock embodies the concept of love evolving over time. With each passing second, the heart beats rhythmically, accompanied by the addition of a new line of text every minute. Signifying the passage of each hour, the heart gradually expands, symbolizing evergrowing love.
This website is best viewed on desktop
Made with love © Sophia Liu